Does Diabetes Really Weaken Immunity?

by Justin Fowler-Lindner, a former EMT turned health writer

The short answer is yes, diabetes does weaken immunity. But don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. Most people with diabetes live long and healthy lives, but that’s still no reason to be complacent. Let’s take a look at how diabetes affects your immunity and how to strengthen it.

Diabetes and the Immune System

High blood sugar is your immune system’s worst enemy because it messes with your body’s ability to fight invading pathogens. As a diabetic, you are also at a higher risk for poor blood circulation, which hinders your ability to deliver infection-fighting nutrients. Diabetic neuropathy can hurt the immune system too — it damages nerves, reduces sensation, and leads to untreated injuries and infections.

What Infections Do Diabetics Have to Look Out For?

1. Foot Infections

Be sure to regularly check your feet for injury. The numbness caused by neuropathy is no joke, and you may already have an infected injury without even knowing it. Even worse, diabetic injuries usually take much longer to heal due to reduced blood flow.

2. Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common problems that diabetics face. The increased glucose in the urine is the perfect place for bacteria to hang out. If you don’t completely empty your bladder, you could end up with a serious UTI. Symptoms include frequent urination, burning during urination, and abdominal pain. The bacteria can also infect your kidneys as well, leading to fever, chills, nausea and vomiting on top of the normal symptoms of bladder infection.

3. The Flu

Be extra cautious of the flu! Due to a weakened immune system, diabetics can be at risk of developing serious flu complications, like:

  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Ear infections
  • Sinus infections
  • Fever

In fact, 30% of adult flu hospitalizations are diabetics. On top of that, catching the flu can cause your blood sugar levels to go out of control. Make sure you are up to date with the yearly seasonal flu vaccine to avoid these complications.

Strengthen Immunity with Exercise

Get regular exercise to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. Research shows that aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week can improve insulin sensitivity. Plus, you’ll be able to better manage hyperglycemia and fight off infections. The cardiovascular and cognitive benefits are nothing to scoff at either. Besides, a round of tennis or a game of basketball are just plain fun and they can help relieve stress.

Eat Your Way to a Stronger Immune System

There’s no greater weapon in your immune-enhancing arsenal than a healthy diet. Getting the right nutrients can fight infection and keep your immune system strong. Here are a few key foods you should incorporate into your diet:

1. Ginger

Ginger is like the Swiss Army Knife of healthy foods. You can use it to aid digestion, reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. Research shows that ginger breaks down toxins in the organs and can make you less vulnerable to infections. Is there anything that this little root can’t do?! An easy way to get your daily dose of ginger is to add some fresh ginger and lemon to hot tea.

2. Chickpeas

This protein-rich legume has several essential nutrients that are great for immunity, including 2mg of zinc per cup. Zinc is important for white blood cells—your immune system’s primary foot soldiers. Studies show that zinc deficiency disrupts white blood cells and increases inflammation. Plus, just one cup of chickpeas is packed with 26% of your recommended daily value of fiber, and fiber reduces fasting blood sugar levels and improves insulin management.

You’ll also benefit from healthier weight gain and better lipid profiles. Blend them up, toss in some lemon juice, and serve with veggie sticks for an epic hummus snack!

3. Walnuts

Walnuts are the perfect treat for a diabetic. Not only are they low-carb, but they’re also proven to regulate appetite and glycemic control. You’ll also get a solid dose of immune-boosting vitamin E, which has been shown to improve glycemic control. Last but not least, walnuts are high omega-3-fatty-acids to fight inflammation. I can-nut believe all these walnut benefits!

4. Vitamin C-Rich Produce

Believe it or not, citrus fruits aren’t the only produce that’s high in immune-boosting vitamin C. Other diabetes-friendly produce that are high in vitamin C include:

  • Green and red peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries
  • Brussel sprouts

Of course, grapefruits and oranges are still the king and queen of vitamin C, and the American Diabetes Association lists them as diabetic superfoods. Oranges and grapefruits are loaded with fiber, folate, potassium and vitamin C. In animal studies, researchers found that drinking grapefruit can improve insulin sensitivity. But what exactly does vitamin C do for immunity?

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and helps the body synthesize all sorts of good stuff like collagen, L-carnitine and neurotransmitters, all of which help your immune system function more smoothly. Oranges and grapefruit will also give you a much-needed potassium fix, which is critical for keeping your blood sugar in check. Go ahead and toss some with a salad or blend up a juice—just be careful not to buy juice from concentrate as it can make your blood sugar skyrocket.

When it comes down to it, diabetes isn’t exactly your immune system’s friend, but that doesn’t mean you’re doomed for a life of colds and infections. From exercise to nutrition, there’s plenty you can do to boost immunity and stay healthy as an ox. Diabetes ain’t got nothin’ on your immunity!

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